The rest of the week I spent just trying to feel better. Just let me give you one piece of advice... if a doctor tells you to take Tamaflu.....don't..... unless you are already throwing up because if you are not, you will be.........
Today, was my first day back to school. I really am having to remind myself of the poem on my grandma Smith had on her wall that I used to read over and over and had no idea what I was reading.......
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
I really need to remind my self of this this week and for the next few to come. We have moved into a different building and they had to do major renovations. Well, my room is not ready yet and I am hoping by Wednesday it will be. I am really going to have to get used to a classroom with no window, smaller than my room used to be, very little storage, and more students....... I will just keep saying my prayer over and over...... I just like to be over prepared and I will be starting this year quite under prepared, but I will make it!!!
Here is a video of Ella doing the Tomahawk Chop! Sorry, could not figure out how to turn it correctly!!!