We are heading to Disney this weekend for Braden's 7th birthday! Can you believe that my little boy will be seven??? I still remember all those days on bed rest just waiting for him to be born and praying that he is healthy. Well, he definitely is that and more. He is such a great kid!! He his so smart that he amazes me every day!!! Speaking of that, he got his first report card for this year and he had 2 100's and 1 99!! Way to go Braden!!!

Braden with his report card!

Ella had to have her picture made with it too! Notice it is upside down!! HA!
Tonight is Trunk or Treat and Braden's school. Then Friday afternoon, we are Disney bound!! The kids are ready to trick or treat at Downtown Disney and it should be a blast. Ella is going to be minnie mouse and Braden is an astronaut. I will post pics after out trip.