WOW! It has been awhile since the last time I blogged. We have been just trying to get into the swing of things with both kids being in school. Last week was a not so good one for us. On Monday, Braden's school called right after lunch and said he fell at recess and busted his lip. After a quick trip to the dentist to be sure he did not hurt his teeth, all checked out fine!!! Then on Tuesday, our dog Katie was attacked by two pitbulls in the neighborhood. She is in a electric fence, but she got out and unfortunately went into the wrong yard. Thankfully, Marc found Oreo before she got attacked also.Vet says she should make a full recovery though. Poor old girl!!!

Friday, was grandparent's day at the kids' school. Mom and dad were in St. Louis, so I went instead. They did such a good job. Ella's group sang "I Love You Lord" and it brought tears to my eyes. Braden's group sang Ferro, Ferro and also did awesome job!! I am lucky to have a long four day weekend off with my kiddos! Tomorrow we are headed to the pumpkin patch!! I just LoVe FaLL!!