Wednesday was Open House for Braden and Ella at their new school. They were both very excited! I think they are going to have a great year. They both have wonderful, caring teachers.
Ella before going into her Kindergarten classroom!!
Checking out the different centers.
The kids were so easy to get ready on the first day! Fortunately, I was able to take them. I just love their new uniforms. At least I can get away with "matching" them and they cannot complain! :) Ella loved her new "big girl" backpack. But, of course, her new shoes had rubbed a blister on her heal before she ever even made it to her classroom. So, her first day of school she spent "shoeless". At least she had a very sweet teacher that allowed that to happen. Maka did save the day by bringing her Keds, but they still hurt her feet. I won't make her wear those again!! :) They both had a AwEsOmE first day and couldn't wait to go back! Braden even wanted me to "teach him" over the weekend. I guess there are some benefits to him being in the same grade I teach!! :) I am excited for all the good things this school year will bring to my sweet babies!!
Marc giving her a "pep talk"- probably not to talk to the boys! HA!HA!
I did good this year dropping off my baby in Kindergarten. (much
better than last year) I think I did ok because Marc was with me to keep my mind off of it and I was more worried that she was going to be miserable all day with the blister on her foot. All in all, her day was great and I survived her first day of kindergarten!