Well, Braden is my first born and will always be a special kid. It was very difficult getting him here but we did, safe and healthy. I was put on bed rest at 20 weeks for the duration of my pregnancy. I am very thankful to my doctor. I truly believe that she is the reason he was a healthy, full-term baby. Braden was born on Halloween, he is our little spook for sure!! He was such a good baby. It was not until he was about 2 that he forgot how to sleep, but now he is a great sleeper. I cannot believe that he is about to turn 7 and go into the first grade. I was just yesterday that he was born!
Braden has always been very interested in how things work. He will sit and listen to books, mostly non-fiction, and ask many questions. We were not surprised when he asked for his own garden this year, yes, a garden. He loves it! I am sure he will grow up to do something with plants. He knows the name of more plants than I do.....he will read a gardening book forever. He is our little bookworm who cannot get enough of school (thank goodness)!!
When Braden was around 1 year old, he developed eczema. This is supposed to be hereditary, but we are not sure where it came from. He still has severe allergies and eczema. I can tell immediately in the morning if I forgot to give his is allergy medicine the night before. We have been through the allergy testing and the whole works. The only thing he was found to be allergic to was pecan trees! But, his eczema has him itching all the time. I feel really bad for him. We do all the soaps they suggest, the laundry detergent, the medicines, etc., but he still is always itching. I feel really bad for him, he cannot even ride his bike around the block without having to stop many times to itch. Playing outside makes it worse because when he sweats, it makes it flare up more. The point to my story is that we are researching a program called NAET which is an non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine. A friend of ours took her child, who also has eczema, and she no longer has to even take any medicines or use the lotions. What a joy that would be! So, I am researching this still, and working on reading the book and hopefully in the near future, we will begin Braden in this program. I just want my child to stop itching! We will keep you updated on how it goes.
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